Sunday, September 7, 2008

i went horse back riding

Iwent horse back riding this weekend. I had a horse named harper and my sister had a horse named winnie and my dads horse was ghost. My horse was the oldest and the tallest so i was pretty scared. I had never rode a horse before. my dads horse did not like to move alot so he had to keep kicking him to go. my sisters horse was good too. My horse liked to go fast so I had to hold on. I had fun riding a horse ! ta ta for now.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My 1st Post

Hi I am Josie this is my first post and welcome to starring josie. I am going to write about my life here in Celebration. I am about to start 3rd grade at Celebration School, in Mr. Fiorito's class. I mostly like school. I like math & science. I love soccer & art. I have a sister Sydney & brother Griffin. And I am also starting to watching the olympics this year . It is so fun watching the diving,swimming,and gymnastics .And I am just finishing my dance camp from IMDP it is totally fun there they teach assume, and fun dancing. Well that is all the news I have right now. I will be keeping in touch writing more about me so keep looking at my blog.